Benefiting communities & countries

Our aim is to add value in everything we do through responsible, efficient and safe energy production
We take our role in society very seriously. We are committed to open, transparent communication, and taking a rigorous, conscientious approach to the environment, our role in society, our business practices and ethics, and how we relate to people.
That includes all our stakeholders: the people who work with us directly and indirectly, those who live where we operate, and the host governments and authorities that regulate our activities.

Responsibility framework
- 281 tonnes CO2e per thousand tonnes of hydrocarbon produced by equity share in 2023
- 2 oil/chemical spills (quantities greater than 100 litres) in Egypt in 2023
- $500,000 Combined total training levies in Vietnam and Egypt for investment in industry capacity building in 2023
- $247,373 Community investments supporting 22 social projects in Egypt, Vietnam and UK in 2023
- 100% El Fayum Oil — Sold and used domestically, contributing to host country development goals and access to energy in 2023
- 100% TGT & CNV Oil — Sold and used domestically, contributing to host country development goals and access to energy in 2023
- $188.0m Taxes and royalties to host governments, includes host governments share of production entitlements in 2023
- 100% Percentage of staff receiving anti-bribery and corruption training as at 31 December 2023
- 0 Lost Time Injury events across Group operations in 2023
- c.65% Female employees in London in 2023
Responsbility case studies
Find out more about our ongoing commitment to operating a sustainable business and working towards the goal of establishing and maintaining the highest operating standards across Environment, Social and Governance matters.