The Board

  • Determines and develops the strategy for the business
  • Provides entrepreneurial leadership
  • Ensures the Company is adequately resourced to meet its strategic objectives
  • Sets the values, standards and controls necessary for risk to be effectively assessed and managed
  • Ensures the Company meets its obligations to its stakeholders
  • Meets on a quarterly basis, with additional meetings convened at interim times as required


John Martin

  • Responsibilities are clearly established, set out in writing and agreed by the Board
  • A role distinctly separate from that of the Chief Executive Officer
  • Responsible, jointly with the Chief Executive, for the leadership of the Company and for promoting the highest standards of integrity and probity
  • Responsibility for the leadership of the Board
  • Leads constructive challenge of the Executives’ strategy through open and probing discussion
  • Meets with the NEDs without the Executives present, at least annually
  • Responsibility for ensuring:
    • The Board is effective in all aspects of its role
    • The Board agenda is set with adequate discussion time applied
    • The NEDs are fully apprised of all the aspects of the business
    • The Boardroom culture is one of openness and debate
    • The effective contribution by the NEDs is adequately facilitated
    • There are constructive relationships between the Executives and the NEDs

Chief Executive Officer

Katherine Roe

  • Responsibilities are clearly established, set out in writing and agreed by the Board
  • A role distinctly separate from that of the Chair
  • Responsibility, jointly with the Chair, for the leadership of the Company and for promoting the highest standards of integrity and probity
  • Responsibility for:
    • Leading the Executives and Management Team
    • Ensuring management’s effectiveness in running the business and implementing strategy and policy
  • Member of ESG Committee of the Board

Chief Financial Officer

Sue Rivett

  • Responsibilities are clearly established, set out in writing and agreed by the Board
  • A role distinctly separate from that of the Chair
  • Responsibility, jointly with the CEO, for the leadership of the Company and for promoting the highest standards of integrity and probity
  • Responsibility for:
    • The implementation of the Board’s agreed strategy through the development of an appropriate business plan and for implementing decisions approved by the Board in accordance with their relevant authority
    • Leadership of the senior managers in the day-to-day running of the Group’s business, managing the Group’s risk programmes including the environmental, health, safety and social performance of the business
    • Ensuring the Company has adequate financial and human resources to implement its objectives
  • Member of ESG Committee of the Board

Chief Operating Officer

Mohamed Sayed

  • Reporting directly to the CEO and with responsibilities and objectives agreed in writing with the CEO
  • Responsible for:
    • the day-to-day oversight and delivery of the Group’s operations and technical functions
    • Group HSSE (health, safety, security and environment) and risk management
    • assessment of opportunities, improvements and developments within the Group’s assets and operations
    • leading sustainability initiatives across the Group
    • managing relationships and communications with host country regulators
    • certain other special projects at asset and/or corporate level on a case-by-case basis
  • Primary liaison between asset/project teams and executive team
  • Involved in operational, technical and commercial decision-making at executive level, with regular attendance at Board meetings to provide input to strategic discussions
  • Provides technical and operational input and advice on identifying, evaluating and delivering strategic growth opportunities
  • Member of ESG Committee of the Board

Non-Executive Directors

John Martin, Lisa Mitchell, Geoffrey Green, Bill Higgs

  • A supervisory role that contributes to the development of strategy by:
    • Constructive challenge, probing and debate
    • Review and analysis drawn from their particular skill set, experience and knowledge
    • Scrutiny of the performance of management in meeting their agreed goals and objectives
  • As members of the Board’s principal Committees, responsibility for:
    • Ensuring the integrity of financial information
    • Ensuring that financial controls and systems of risk management are effective, adequate, robust and defensible
    • Determining the Executive’s remuneration
    • The appointment and removal of Directors and setting out of the Board’s approach to succession planning
  • Ensuring possession of sufficient information for the discharge of duties – this may be achieved through dialogue with management, training and consultation with independent professional advisors, as required.

Senior Independent Director

Geoffrey Green

  • An independent leadership role to the Board
  • Is available to the Chair to discuss and develop ideas to maximise the Board’s effectiveness
  • Serves as an intermediary to other Directors, if required, to ensure that each individual’s views are fully considered in reaching unitary consensus on Board matters
  • Meets at least annually with the other NEDs, without the Chair present Facilitates discussion including the appraisal of the Board’s effectiveness and performance of the Chair
  • Is available as an alternative point of contact for investors.

Company Secretary

Tony Hunter

  • The Company Secretary is appointed by the Board
  • Responsibility for facilitating the communications and processes of the Board, both within the Board and its committees and with management, in compliance with Board procedures and governance guidelines
  • Facilitates the induction programme for new Directors upon their appointment. This is tailored to the new Director’s individual qualifications and experience
  • Provides advice through the Chair as may be required in the ongoing discharge of the Directors’ duties, including ensuring that the Company provides the necessary resources for access to independent advice and any individual professional training and development needs agreed with each Director
  • Ensures that briefing sessions are provided in the course of regular Board meetings and Committee meetings on relevant issues as deemed appropriate, including in relation to corporate governance and social responsibility as well as new and evolving statutory and other compliance matters when deemed appropriate.